证书编号Certificate No. | CQC13134103554 |
申请人Applicant | 无锡振均电子科技有限公司Wuxi Zhenjun electronic technology Co., LTD |
制造商Manufacturer | 无锡振均电子科技有限公司Wuxi Zhenjun electronic technology Co., LTD |
生产厂Factory | 乐清市锡乐家用电器配件厂(普通合伙)Xile Household Electrical Appliances Accessory Factory of Yueqing City |
工厂编号Factory No | V015268 |
产品Name of Product | 微动开关塑料件Plastic of micro-switch |
型号/规格Model and Secification | 188S, 998S, 999S; 118S, 998 材料:PA66:CM3004G15 灰色, 球压:250℃, 灼热丝可燃性指数(GWFI):960/3.0, 灼热丝起燃温度(GWIT):825/3.0, 燃烧等级:V-0/3.0mm, 红外光谱,差示扫描量热和热重分析见报告CQC2013-2220 |
标准 | GB/T 5169.21-2006, GB/T 5169.12-2006, GB/T 5169.13-2006, GB/T 5169.16-2008, GB/T 6040-2002, GB/T 19466.1-2004, GB/T 19466.2-2004, GB/T 19466.3-2004, ISO 11358:1997 |
发证日期Date of Issue | |
证书截止日期Date of Expire | |
证书状态Status | |
证书状态变化时间Time of Status changing | |
原因Reason | 认证证书暂停期限届满,持证人未提出认证证书恢复申请未采取整改措施或者整改后仍不合格;全部撤销 |
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